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Professional Indemnity Insurance
The following article aims to cover risk assessment and management around Professional Indemnity Insurance. Comprehensive professional indemnity insurance will cover you if you’re sued because of error, data loss, intellectual property infringement or dishonesty. There are a few things that you can do to help keep your indemnity risk to a minimum: Avoiding copyright issues Copyright...
Click here for more information On Insurance Policies with S.A. Faughnan When seeking insurance it is your duty to inform the insurer of every material fact. This applies when getting quotes for new insurance. It is also necessary if you are making alterations to an existing policy or at renewal of your policy. Non-disclosure of a material fact can invalidate a policy and the insurer can cancel a...
For More Information on Construction Insurance With S.A. Faughnan Click Here When you, as Main Contractor, engage in a RIAI (Royal Institute of Architects Ireland) Standard Form of Contract for contract works involved with the alteration or extension of an existing structure, Clause 26 is the inserted clause which relates to the ‘Responsibility for Existing Structures’ and effectively places ...
 Click Here To See What S.A. Faughnan Can Offer You The insured usually has a much greater knowledge about the risk being insured, and because Insurance Companies need to know this information to decide whether they can insure this risk, the insurance company depends on the proposer / insured for this information. If a loss occurs and the Insurance Company finds that a material fact was not d...
What is a Safety Statement?  For more information on Contractors Insurance with S.A. Faughnan Click here   A  Safety Statement is a plan, in writing, which specifically identifies the hazards, assess the risks, identifies the controls to be put in place, the persons responsible and resources necessary to secure the safety of persons at work. It is required by Section 20 of the Safe...
Contractors ALL Risks
For more information on contractors insurance click here   Having adequate Insurance cover is very important for your business…   Contractors All Risk Insurance which is also known as Contract Works Insurance is an insurance policy specially designed for builders and tradesmen in the construction industry. Contractors All Risks Insurance can include cover for contract work...
Builders insurance
What is a specific indemnity on my insurance policy? Click here to find out more about Specific Indemnity Insurance for Contractors with S.A. Faughnan Having adequate Employers and Public Insurance cover is very important for your business but you need to ensure that the insurances extend to cover the scope of works being undertaken.   Indemnity to Principal clauses satisfy a requiremen...
Tradesmen Insurance
Click here for more information on Construction Insurance with S.A. Faughnan What is Efficacy insurance cover? Does the manufacturer not cover that? Efficacy Insurance is designed to cover the failure of an item to perform its intended function.   It is commonly required by businesses involved in the manufacture, service, supply or installation of performance critical products ...
Employers Liability Insurance
  Click here for more information on Contractors Insurance with S.A. Faughnan As an employer, ensuring that you have adequate insurance cover for workers is vitally important for your business to survive, in the event of a workplace accident. All too often, tradesmen are carrying only Public Liability cover which does NOT cover workers or apprentices who are under your control and who are carry...
Builders insurance
For more information on Construction Insurance with S.A. Faughnan Click Here Why Are Insurance Claims Declined? Much has been written about claims under insurance policies, not being paid by the insurer. This is a little unfair as you tend to only hear about the claims that are not paid and the problems experienced by policyholders but seldom do you hear when a customer receives a good claims ...